Fairly recent floor plan…
Here’s a version of the Lesmeister floor plan from October, 2011 (click the image to enlarge). The “box” by the living room TVs is a wood-burning stove. The dashed line in each bathroom indicates the location of the skylight.
NOTE: the two units on the right (east) have a large bedroom downstairs below the living rooms.

4 Replies to “Fairly recent floor plan…”
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Looks good. Aldthough I would prefer a door that connects the appartment. By having this a family with two or more kids could rent two appartments and then be able to have an apparment for the kids and one for the parents. This is very common in hotels that offers family rooms.
Is this possible to fix? If so I would love to make a booking on the opening day!
We originally had doors connnecting neighboring apartments, but it took up a lot of space for the doors to swing, and the architect had soundproofing concerns, so we eliminated them. Since the apartments are side-by-side, it’s just a short walk from one front door to the other apartment door anyway.
There was no way to have connection between front and rear apartments. Just not enough rooom. I’d rather have the large bathrooms instead!
Nice blog! I look forward to following your progress visually, thanks for sharing it with us. When you add a FOLLOW THIS BLOG widget to the sidebar I will sign up. All the best Arkie. :-) JB
I saw something about a “follow this blog’ widget yesterday in setup…if I can just find it again!
Edit: Found it and have it set up…I think!