Water To Spare

Randolph County, Arkansas, is blessed with abundant water in a time when much of America is thirsty. We are America’s only county with five navigable rivers, all fed by large springs just north of us in southern Missouri. And Lesmeister Guesthouse is right in the middle of it all!
This map shows the five rivers, each of which flows south. Three of the rivers merge at Pocahontas as “Black River”, and the other two rivers join The Black at the southern tip of the county.

Since the rivers all merge, it’s possible to float on all five rivers the same day, with no need for your boat to leave the water! We call this the Five Rivers Challenge. See our blog post on the challenge HERE.
In addition to the rivers and some large creeks offering great fishing, Baltz Lake in Pocahontas is a good-sized public lake with good fishing.

Fish like a local! We have an insider’s guide brochure to using our five Randolph County rivers. To get yours, just stay a while at Lesmeister Guesthouse, or contact us.