Stroll The Square, But Watch Out For Aliens

Tonight was our monthly “first Thursday’ Stroll The Square night, when the shops are open late and the local people come walk the sidewalks, visit the stores, and enjoy stopping and talking with their neighbors, who they usually only wave at as they pass in the car.

Each of our strolls has a theme, and the theme this month was, for some reason, aliens! My sister spent all week making solid aluminum helmets, also known as “tin foil hats”, that are guaranteed to keep aliens from reading your thoughts or controlling your mind. She sold them at her store for 10 cents each, and sold all she could make.

And that’s not alien writing on the sidewalk in front of the store. It’s for hop scotch and you’d be surprised how many adults go hopping by her store every day as they pass. In the photo below, she’s seated in front of her store with three good friends. Aliens, beware!

 Tin Foil Hats

4 Replies to “Stroll The Square, But Watch Out For Aliens”

  1. Kathy Smith

    Great pic. Question: Is that a Texas Longhorn skull inside the store window or is it coming out of her ears? Lol… Looks like fun!

  2. Patrick Carroll

    I believe those horns are the type that only show up in photos, like ghosts. Can’t see them in real life.
    I’m hearing the Twilight Zone theme music right now…
    Also, in the lower left corner of the photo you’ll see the top of another anti-alien hat, on a little boy too afraid of those four women to pose with them. Wise little boy.

  3. Patrick Carroll

    BBQ and fireworks! A perfect reason to book a night at The Lesmeister, to be right downtown in the heart of the action!

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